
Gaudi’s La Pedrera: Night or Day?

Gaudi’s La Pedrera: Night or Day?

Nearly everyone’s “Must See” list in Barcelona includes a visit to the Antoni Gaudi apartment building Casa Milà (commonly called La Pedrera). But when you go to buy your tickets, you’ll be faced with a tough choice. You can tour La Pedrera by day OR by night. So, I wanted to give you the inside scoop between day and night so you can make the best decision for your trip.

To Succeed as an Artist, Seek an Unbalanced Life

To Succeed as an Artist, Seek an Unbalanced Life

I hear it all the time: To be happy, you must seek balance. “The only way to be a successful human being is to NOT be so obsessed with your work. Be obsessed with balance, instead! Balance between work and family, up time, downtime…” But no artist I admire has EVER sought a “work-life balance.” They work hard. Too hard.  That’s what they do. That’s who they are. And that’s why they’re great.